Are You Ready For This? Credit Unions Dive Into Twitter

Your credit union decided to take the big step and get a twitter account. Now what? Do you just jump in and write whatever the first 140 characters that come to your mind are? Probably not the best idea.

Have a plan
 If you know Third Degree, you know we are always telling credit union marketers to have a plan. Strategize. This is the foundation for every campaign that Third Degree launches for each of our credit union clients and for good reason. We get great results because of our strategic creative process.  If you have just started your Twitter account, think of the specific followers you want to follow you and target your tweets toward them. Want to get a Gen Y following? Tweet about social media, college sports, college events, etc. Boomers? Tweet about parental advice, family activities, etc. You get it. Put yourself in their shoes and think: “If I were a _____ (Boomer, Gen Xer,etc..) what would I want showing up on my Twitter feed? What information would be helpful for me?” Take your answer and bend it towards information relating to your credit union. For example, if you put yourself in a Boomer’s shoes,(maybe even get more specific with a female boomer – hey, they have a lot of influence) you will probably want to receive tweets that relate to family, your kids, grocery shopping, household spending, etc. How can you turn those topics into something that relates to your credit union? Simple—put a financial twist on it. Link to articles about financial literacy and education for teens  or better yet, teens and money.  You can talk about community events like Dave Ramsey coming to your town. This brings us to the next point….

Know your followers
Make sure you know who is following you so you can tweet what is relatable to them. Analyze the list of your followers to see who your tweets are attracting; this way, you know what needs tweaking and what needs to stay the same. This is also a great opportunity to think of more programs to better fit the needs of those who are truly interested in your credit union and increase your share of wallet. Survey your followers and ask them what perks they absolutely love (that free coffee in the foyer), what additional services they want to access (maybe financial planning?) and what your credit union could do better. People want to be engaged and this is a great way to encourage that.

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